The course was excellent in all aspects. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nick did a great job.

Nick was a great tutor – he listened as well as instructed and managed to cram a huge amount of content and ideas in.
Our tutor, Nick Barlay, was inspirational, informative and instructive. His inclusion of class comments and writing exercises fused the group in a very engaging and productive way as we could carry on with our discussions during breaks.
Nick Barlay had prepared very well in advance so had lots of material and kept us highly engaged with the subject. He also has an enthusiastic teaching style which facilitated participation. It was very helpful that he set us writing exercises and I thought I learned a lot in a short time from Nick Barlay and the other participants.

I was so impressed by the way in which he was able, without hesitation, to find something positive and constructive to say about everyone’s contribution. He treated us all absolutely equally and his timing was impeccable.
Outstanding. He was inspiring, knowledgeable, skilful not just as a writer but in facilitating the group. He empowered the group through ‘show’ not ‘tell’ with numerous short exercises so the teaching never became lecturing. Exceeded all expectations.